Reinforced concrete according to your plan

Free estimate

Tell us about your project. Our dynamic team will be delighted to serve you

Our Projects

Reinforced concrete balcony, sidewalk,  border and walls.


We guarantee our materials and our work for a full year!

Our Customers


  • Restaurant d’Autrefois (Mercier): Borders, Unistone and Asphalt.
  • City of Mercier : Sidewalks and curbs. 

And the following commercial customers : Perrette, Laidlaw Transportation, Domtar, Olco Petroleum, HP Perron, Sintra Inc., Stella Jones, Hydro Quebec, The Coop, The Restaurants La Belle Province, the cities of Kahnawake, Mercier, Châteauguay (tennis), Ste-Catherine, Laprairie, St-Mathieu and the Government of Canada (Seaway).